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1. Nancy C
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Teaches: Guzheng, Music (General)
Rates Negotiable
" Hello, my name is Nancy, I teach the Chinese music (Guzhend) over 20 years in Hong Kong. I have passed in Grand 10 of Guzheng Examination...."
" Hello, my name is...."
" Hello, my name is Nancy, I teach the Chinese music (Guzhend) over 20 years in...."

2. Daisy W
Guangzhou, China
Teaches: Guzheng
$15-$30 per hour
"Hi my name is Daisy, I'm good at playing the Guzheng and can teach you this traditional Chinese instrument with melodious sound. If you know some interesting skills like drawing, knitting,co...."
"Hi my name is Daisy, I'm good at playing the Guzheng and can teach you...."
"Hi my name is Daisy, I'm good at playing the Guzheng and can teach you this traditional Chinese instrument with melodious sound. I...."
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