How to find Knitting Classes and Lessons

Knitting isn’t just an old lady thing anymore, as thousands of people from all different kinds of age groups, cultures, and walks of life are finding out. Knitting can be a great way to channel your creativity and give you a sense of accomplishment, not to mention relax and soothe your nerves. Many people are becoming increasingly interested in knitting lessons, men and women alike, and are searching out venues, knitting groups, teachers, and fellow knitters who can help develop and share their passion.

Knitting lessons are actually relatively easy to find if you know where to look. One of the first places anyone should look for knitting classes is in a craft shop or location dedicated to crocheting and knitting. A yarn store or similar establishment will often organize weekly, bi-weekly, or bi-monthly knitting classes for its regular patrons, but usually anyone can sign up. The classes provide those interested in knitting lessons a great place to meet other knitters and share tips, tricks, and techniques.

Another great way to find knitting lessons is to look in classifieds, whether online or in the local newspaper. Among the ads listed there, you can find dozens of options ranging from organized group lessons to one on one knitting sessions to simple gathering of fellow knitters. You can even post an ad for yourself stating your interest, and knitting lessons will come to you.

You can also search your local Meetup groups on to see if there are any groups in your area dedicated to knitting, sewing and crocheting. Many amateurs, professionals and enthusiasts come together in these groups to learn and teach knitting from each other. Most people will probably feel most comfortable learning knitting from someone in person as it is easier to show, teach and learn techniques when you are sitting right next to the other person.

Finally, if you feel you’re not ready for a whole class, and just want to learn the basics by yourself, a great way to do that is to find knitting lessons online. The best two methods of learning knitting online are by watching videos and visiting knitting sites. You can find many videos dedicated to knitting instruction on or other popular video sites. Sites geared to knitting lessons may also have videos as well, not to mention tutorials with pictures and step by step instructions.

Photo Credit: Katrina Br*?#*!@nd

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