Trade lessons with Bri H in Houston, Texas

LRNGO profile picture
Bri H
Houston, Texas 77054
Travel Radius: 0 miles
Teaches: Calligraphy,Driving,English,Literature,Violin
Wants to Learn: Diving, French, Japanese, Photography, Programming (General)

I am a sophomore majoring in Communications. I've traveled extensively,
am a patient teacher, an avid learner!

Trade lessons with Bri H in Houston, Texas

Houston, Texas 77054
Travel Radius: 0 miles
Wants to Learn: Diving, French, Japanese, Photography, Programming (General)

I am a sophomore majoring in Communications. I've traveled extensively,
am a patient teacher, an avid learner!

Contact this LRNGO user  Contact Bri H

Bri H in Houston, Texas


  • Calligraphy Lessons
  • Driving Lessons
  • English Lessons
  • Literature Lessons
  • Violin Lessons

Wants to Learn:

  • Diving Lessons
  • French Lessons
  • Japanese Lessons
  • Photography Lessons
  • Programming (General) Lessons