Natural Gallstone Remedy

Ok, so here is a natural gallstone remedy passed down (pardon the pun) from generations in my family. Of course, if your condition is serious or the stones are too big, you should see a doctor before trying something like this. I am not a doctor, but this has worked with smaller stones for some people.

This takes 7 days – repeat if necessary. Day 1 – Day 5 Drink 250cc of apple juice 4x/day - before every meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and before going to bed (4 times a day, 250cc each time). Apple juice can be bottled or fresh - best to have organic and make your own if possible with no added sugars. Try to eat more fruits & vegetables the whole week. Rice and bread are ok. Eat as little meat, protein, oil and sugar as possible the whole week. Day 6 STOP TAKING APPLE JUICE! DON’T EAT DINNER! At 6:00PM: Take 1 to 2 teaspoons of EPSON salt mixed with 250cc of warm water and drink. (Buy EPSON salt from the grocery store so that it’s food grade, not industrial grade) At 8:00PM: Take 1 to 2 teaspoons of EPSON salt mixed with 250cc of warm water and drink. At 10:00PM: Mix 125cc of fresh squeezed lemon juice and 125cc of olive oil together in a cup and drink. Day 7 Various size gallstones (from the size of sand to size of thumb) that are green in color will come out in stool. There may be some discomfort for a few days afterwards so get some rest for the next day or two.

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