Premium Membership

Can't find the right person or people you're looking for?

Let us help!

Learning is personal. You no longer have to settle for the best tutor, mentor, teacher, coach, instructor, students, and practice partners you can find in your network. Let us contact you each time someone new joins who fits your description of the best personal match for you.

Your goals just got closer.

You have already answered the question, "What do I want to learn/teach?" Now let us help you find the right person to teach you or learn from you. We provide social service leads for private instruction and group classes by notifying you when the right local or online private instructor, expert, mentor, coach, teacher, tutor, or potential student, language exchange, skill exchange, or practice partner you always wanted joins in your location or worldwide online. You will be notified monthly of all of your matches, and you can also list up to 10 teaching subjects on your profile (5 more than standard).

LRNGO Premium Membership

Describe the person you are looking for, and let us add the information to our database. For less than 1/2 cup of coffee, we notify you every time someone near you or worldwide online joins LRNGO who meets your criteria.* Also list up to 5 additional teaching subjects on your profile. $1/Month ($12/Year)

*Requests must be learning-related, and we provide introductory suggestions only. We do not guarantee responses, availability or outcomes, or negotiate on your behalf. Once you are notified of a user who fits your description, we are no longer involved and are in no way liable for any outcome. See FAQ for more information.