LRNGO Launched on 11/11/12

Hi everyone, as most of you know, we dropped everything recently to start this company and implement an idea that we thought might change the world.  The idea is to create a free website that is the first social marketplace of learning – a place where everyone can find each other locally or globally to connect, teach and learn.  As of 3PM today on 11/11 2012, we are now live here at  It is brand spanking new, so there is no one on it yet, but it is free to use and list.  If enough people use it the first year, we will keep it going.

Use this website how you wish.  If you want to advertise your hourly services to make money teaching what you know, you’re free to do so.  If you want to search for someone near you (or online) to teach you something of interest and contact them, go ahead–there are no restrictions.  If you want to match up and find someone to teach you in return for learning something from you, you can start a conversation.  Check back often as we will be adding a lot of new features.

I believe in the importance of group learning and schools, but true change in education will never come just from within the walls of the classroom. It’s going to come from us – all of us. There’s something we can all learn from each other, and throughout our lives we are all both students and teachers.  Please take a look and spread the word.  Love to all of you.

All the best,
David Brake

2 thoughts on “LRNGO Launched on 11/11/12

  1. Wow! Just the thing for me! I have been teaching people from allover the world to become fluent in English as well as Presentation
    skills and so much much more for nearly 35 years and this is a WIDE classroom!
    Please keep me informed about whatever is happening – this is very exciting!

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