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The beginning of 'The Lord of the Rings' by J.R.R. Tolkien, italian version
A Few Easy Languages to Learn for English Speakers
Learning a new language is hard. There is no getting around it. It’s tough to memorize the vocabulary and even tougher to get to the point where you can actually speak and understand even a little bit of the language. Despite this inherent difficulty, many people are still very interested in learning a new language. Now, before embarking on a language learning adventure, it is important to know that some languages are actually much, much easier to learn than others. This is mostly a result of languages being similar. For example, knowing French makes Spanish much easier to learn. This article will focus on giving a brief analysis of the easiest languages for English speakers to learn. Without further ado, in no particular order:

Afrikaans: I would highly recommend considering learning Afrikaans as a second language if you already know English. Let’s start with the basics. Both Afrikaans and English come from the same family of languages (the Germanic Family language), w...

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Fountain College Fordham University Campus Rules
College Rules
College can be tough – ask any broke college student. It is a time of new experiences and opportunities never dreamed of before. For many students it is their first time living away from home, so the urge to break free from the nest is very strong on campus. Living on a college campus is like living in a giant hotel with a bunch of other kids your age. You will definitely need some college rules if you are going to survive and prosper at all from your school experience. These are some of the best and most useful college rules, in no particular order, to help you have a great time.

Rule #1 – You have to earn respect, not demand it. Perhaps you could bully or intimidate other kids in high school, but that probably won't happen in college. You are in a much more adult world now, and you will find that showing your great character instead of your bicep will get you the most respect.

Rule #2 – Don't ask for favors. ...

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John Lennon book cover.
Music Recommendations for Beginning English Speakers
In order to learn English, you will need to immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. I personally believe that listening to music in English is one of the best ways to do this. It will help you grow accustomed to English and American accents, help you say difficult words, and in general grow more acclimated with simply hearing English being spoken. In addition, quite simply, listening to music is really fun. This is not just a silly point. Because listening to music in any language is enjoyable, you will be more motivated to continue immersing yourself in it, and the benefits will continue to accrue. Of course, many people will recommend that you listen to music, but most will not give you specific recommendations. What follows is a list of my personal music suggestions. I picked these specifically because I thought that exposure to these albums/songs/websites will help you to learn the language. Because of this, you will not find any avant-garde music that is very hard t...

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Classic English literature books
Learning English Through Literature
I have always thought that English literature is an excellent way to learn to speak English fluently. Learning any new language can prove challenging and goes beyond the mere learning of a foreign language vocabulary, conjugation and grammar. One of the unique characteristics involved in learning English is the ability of grasping the correct words that describe the undertone or feeling, and nuance of the words used within the context and meaning. All of this takes time to learn and master.

Choosing to study English literature in addition to speaking in order to grasp the complexities of the English language can be one of the most effective and valuable methods to use. Since reading in general is at the core of English literature, it is a natural way to progress to a deeper understanding of the English language and gaining mastery over it.

The natural consequence of studying or majoring in English literature will be a fuller, richer understanding and use o...

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College books read in one year the galosh ernest hemingway the great Gatsby kevin Jackson zona Geof
College Cliff Notes
College Cliff Notes have become known as short summaries of books. There are often summaries of each chapter and sometimes of important pages. Key ideas of the chapter are also sometimes included, as are important people and events. College cliff notes are very valuable to many students who feel that they don't have the time to read everything that they are supposed to. Life in college can be quite hectic and busy, and schoolwork isn't always on top of the priority list.

The cliff notes phenomenon was made popular by CliffsNotes.com. This site has hundreds of helpful summaries of books. This is a college cliff notes site, so most of the books are of the type that students are likely to read. You are almost certain to find cliff notes for any book you need to read for school. This site offers detailed (but not too detailed) summaries of each chapter in the book, as well as an overview of the entire book. There is a character list and analysis,...

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Cover of the New Yorker July 2013
The Best English News Sources For Beginning English Learners
As anyone will tell you, one of the most important things that you can do to learn English is to read. Many people will recommend book, some will recommend comic books, and sometimes they recommend reading news. Oddly, while people will often tell you which novels or comic books to read, they will almost never tell you what newspapers to read. Here are just a smattering of the best online news sites I have found. Now, to be clear, I am not rating them only on how good the quality of the news is itself. I am suggesting these based on how beneficial I think these news sources are for English learners specifically. That means that some of these sites may not provide the best quality news but instead do a great job of providing really basic level content for new English speakers. For more information about which news sites have the most basic and the most advanced reading level articles, check out the following link: Continue Reading

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Old Chinese proverb quote
Maximize English Comprehension with These Teaching Styles
There’s an old Chinese proverb that goes, “Tell me, I forget. Show me, I remember. Involve me, I understand.” That holds true in virtually every scope of life, and especially in teaching. For English teachers, the visual and interactive medium is especially effective, since it leaves a more lasting impression than that of simply teaching. If you want to increase your students’English comprehension, one of the best ways to do so is to engage your students in discussion or to involve them in an activity. The challenge can be, however, to make sure that you are actually teaching through the activity, and not ignoring teaching English comprehension in order to make way for amusement.

Keeping this challenge in mind, one of the best ways to boost your English teaching comprehension can still be through videos and/or movies. You can bring along a clip from a movie or an episode from a TV show, and compare and contrast the variations in language used by the different characters....

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Welcome landscape in Cebu City
Best places for Cebuano to English language exchange in Cebu
Cebuano is the Filipino dialect spoken in the Central Visayas and Mindanao regions of the Philippines. The word "Cebuano" is derived from the Cebu Islands, where the language originated from and is predominantly spoken. Cebuano has approximately two million speakers and is growing. If you are looking to visit these areas of the Philippines, learning Cebuano would be very helpful.

Free language exchange is the process of learning a new language from a person in exchange for teaching that person a language that you already know. For example, you can ask a native speaker to teach you Cebuano if in return you help that person improve on their English skills. Free language exchange allows you to meet new people, teach what you know to others, and learn about new languages and cultures.

The Philippines is comprised of many islands and finding a place to meet for a language exchange may be daunting. Here are the top five place to hold a language exchange in Cebu.

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